Virtual Reality explores a future where immersive virtual environments have become indistinguishable from reality. The protagonist, a VR developer, Mark Davis, becomes trapped in a virtual world he created. As he searches for a way out, he uncovers a conspiracy that threatens the virtual and real worlds.
The novel delves into the impact of advanced VR technology on society and the ethical implications of creating lifelike virtual experiences. Alex Thompson’s experience as a game developer authenticates the VR concepts and scenarios depicted in the book.
The novel includes detailed descriptions of various virtual environments, making it a visually engaging read. “Virtual Reality” has been praised for exploring the boundaries between virtual and real experiences, raising important questions about identity, perception, and the ethical use of technology.
Launch Date
January 8, 2024
A dedicated writer, editor, and cannabis enthusiast, he holds a bachelor’s degree in marketing from California State University, Northridge. His diverse academic background spans journalism, accounting, international finance, and business administration. As an accomplished content strategist, his marketing prowess yields proven results. With an extensive portfolio of published articles and successful campaigns, he prioritizes crafting engaging, accurate, and SEO-optimized content. Proficient in WordPress, Microsoft Office Suite, Hootsuite, Photoshop, and more. Beyond the keyboard, he enjoys yoga, travel, and quality time with his three cherished feline companions.