Think Of These Things When You Want To Give Up

Work-When You Want To Give UpStress

When our lives are in a mess, the one thing that often comes to our mind is to give up and go into oblivion. Trust me; this is not just you; it happens to everybody. While some people give up, a few display courage and continue moving ahead. It is purely your outlook that helps you decide what step to take next.

So are you depressed? Feeling as if it is the end of the world? Want to just end everything?

There is no need to worry as life will improve if you change your perspective. Here are a few things you should consider when you are planning to give up.

There is a big gap between “I will try” and “I give up.”

Always remember that both these things are stark opposites of each other. While one convinces you to make an effort to change your life, the other asks you to stop trying. The outcome of the first choice could be a lifetime of possibilities. While the latter would only leave you with regrets that you could have achieved something better.

Realistic expectations only will help you in succeeding

When we were small, we wanted to play with the moon. When we realized that the moon could not come down, there would be crying and tantrums. Remember this phase. Why were we crying? Because we had an unrealistic expectation that nobody could fulfill for us.

Similarly, when we grow up, we must understand whether what we are looking for is achievable. You may want that job promotion, but if you are not skilled enough, they will not consider you. In such a situation, it is wise to tone down your expectations so that when they are not fulfilled, it does not bother you.

Keep reminding yourself why you are doing that thing

When stressed, it is easy for a person to lose focus. However, to continue further, you must list down why you are working so hard. Is it because you want your kids to lead a good life? Or probably you want to travel with the money you earn now. Please write down the reasons and read them when you are demotivated. Doing this would get back the confidence you seem to have lost.

It is always the darkest before dawn

You feel most disappointed when something nice is actually about to happen. Whenever feeling blue, remember this fact which will motivate you to keep going. It is also because when we are the saddest, we try to fix things up and find solutions that would provide relief. So don’t despair; just try to find what is causing misery and see how you can find answers.

Think about what you have achieved so far

You are a brave soul if you have reached this point. If the past had been tough and you could overcome it, this phase, too, shall pass. Think about all the problems that you have conquered and yet emerged triumphant. Doing that would provide the motivation that your tired soul needs for the moment.

I want help

It is hard for people to accept that they need to change their lives. It is because there is a feeling of shame that engulfs you. However, there is nothing to feel sad about. People will not understand on their own that you are dealing with issues. If you cannot manage things on your own, you can ask for help. You could visit a therapist to take your mind off things. Or probably a chat with your close friend or sibling is what you need to bring you back into the game.

What are my future plans

You have probably visualized a satisfied and successful life for yourself in the future. When losing the courage, think about those dreams. A delve into what you aim to do can bring your thoughts again to the task. If need be, close your eyes and visualize that life. When you see what a beautiful phase that is going to be, you will naturally try your best to achieve it.

My past is gone

Sometimes our past inhibits us from moving ahead. We keep thinking about it and waste precious time doing so. However past is over, and you cannot make any changes to it. Think only about the present and what you can do to make it beautiful. Let the things of the past go to any side corner of your mind. They will only stop your progress; the sooner you Let them Go, the better it will be.

Summing up

How often do we all want to give up everything and run away? Though this is a temporary phase, it can damage a person’s confidence. When in such a situation, it is best to think of the things we mentioned above. If nothing works, take a break from your existing routine and the burden of the past will be gone when you return.

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