Set in a cyberpunk future, “Neon Skies” follows hacker extraordinaire Mia Navarro as she navigates the gritty underworld of a sprawling megacity. When she stumbles upon a conspiracy involving corrupt corporations and rogue AI, Mia must use her skills to uncover the truth and save the city from imminent collapse.
The novel explores themes of surveillance, corporate power, and the blurred lines between humans and machines in a high-tech society. Riley Ford’s background in cybersecurity and software development adds authenticity to the book’s hacking scenes and technological concepts.
The vivid descriptions of the neon-lit cityscape and its inhabitants bring the cyberpunk world to life. “Neon Skies” has been praised for its fast-paced plot and strong, relatable protagonist. Ford’s portrayal of a future dominated by technology raises important questions about privacy, autonomy, and the role of corporations in society.
Launch Date
September 2, 2024
A dedicated writer, editor, and cannabis enthusiast, he holds a bachelor’s degree in marketing from California State University, Northridge. His diverse academic background spans journalism, accounting, international finance, and business administration. As an accomplished content strategist, his marketing prowess yields proven results. With an extensive portfolio of published articles and successful campaigns, he prioritizes crafting engaging, accurate, and SEO-optimized content. Proficient in WordPress, Microsoft Office Suite, Hootsuite, Photoshop, and more. Beyond the keyboard, he enjoys yoga, travel, and quality time with his three cherished feline companions.